Hello! Welcome to my page

About me :

I am Manasa Mohapatra from Cuttack and a 1st year undergraduate student currently pursuing betech in Veer Surendra Sai University of technology. As a beginner I have learned c and c++ language and currently learning data structure and algorithms. I want to explore all the domains. But I am currently intrested in software development and have a aim to become a full stack developer in future.

My Image

My Interest :

Though my current major is in Electrical Engineering, I have a keen intrest in programming. Active learner in the fields of competitive coding and software development. Special interest in innovation and creativity. I also find solace in social service work

code image

My Gallery :

Exploring different places has always been an intresting hobby of mine. That keeps me alive and free. I also capture the views that I encounters in different places so that I can cherish them later. So I would like to share some of the sample pictures I have taken.

gallery gallery
gallery gallery